Sunday, September 23, 2007

These are pictures from the month of September. Vic and I took Alyssa to the State Fair on Labor Day. That was after Lys and I participated in a 5 K (we walked - well I piggybacked her a lot of the way). It was a hot day, but we had fun.

On 9/15/07 we helped can tomatoes at the cannery. It is quite a process and you feel good afterwards - the canned food goes to help the needy and also for disasters as well as available for purchase. We thought that the best part was the new must have fashion accessory - the HAIRNET! I guess it is one of the great one looks good in them!

This past week was homecoming at Lincoln. Letty played in the powder puff football game on Wed 9/19. We never get rain that early - but this year it POURED! We were all soaked! She was also on the Jr. float. Lincoln High School is celebrating it's 100 year anniversary. After the game (we beat Gridley 35-0) was the dance.
Lys with a baby kangaroo
Vic and Lys at the Golden Bear
Vic and Judd at the cannery as Quality Assurance
Letty and I at the cannery (this one is a little blurry)
Letty and some of her friends at the cannery.
Letty & Mikael after the powder puff game
Letty on the float
All the girls that got ready together - Emily, Jenna, Kelsey, Letty, Mikael and Sarah
Letty dressed for the homecoming dance - isn't she cute??

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